
Natuna Islands, Inspiration by Real Life

Are you in love with South East Asia, like me? Do you just love its people and culture, its authenticity?

This Story line and photos are provided by Dr. Irina Francken, Rotary Club Singapore on her trip to Natuna Island, Indonesia.

Welcome by local women

Refreshing start

I picked up a starfish, didn't realise it was the very real one!

Local oceanologist suggested "Lobster for dinner". Here is my future dinner.

Having dinner with real people, in the water-based village. Superb injection of life and inspiration. Getting to know local culture.

Visiting Ino Sudargo. Isn't it an amazing backyard? Note the house at the back.

 I lied down in a hammock and simply relaxed. Coffee, maam? Yes please!

Nothing expensive in this house. But they do have a whale skeleton in their collection, lots of interesting books and jazz music. Such an amazing taste for life! I told my husband about it and he replied with: "It would be great to re-organize the values in life. Maybe I should become a so much needed teacher-enthusiast of English language here?"

This is our "5* hotel".

And this is an amazingly old creature. The turtle, of course!

Such an amazing experience, just absolutely refreshing for your brain and soul. I think it's the REAL people that made this trip unforgettable!

For life-changing travels like this, call Katya French on Skype: Kalexeichik or just write to bookings@nonpareiltravel.com