
Setting up the mood - secret controls))

Laughing in Doha, Qatar
Setting the mood for yourself is probably THE ONE most important thing you can do. Everything will be exactly the way you are predicting within yourself.

End of last month I traveled to the Middle East for a conference, together with my mother (also the director of our business).

I have decided for myself that everything is going to be just perfect and lots of laughter. I needed that set of mind, to have good time during travel, to get serious new contacts for business and to help me speak at the conference with professionalism and charm.

Gosh, this bathroom interior is a total delight
I was repeating to ourselves almost with naivety: “We are so lucky everywhere we go! We are having the time of our lives!” And reality around was projecting exactly that for me. No dramas, effortless allure, elegance, contact, lots of laughter!

Enjoying a pomegranate straight off a tree

Wishing you the same! You create your own world.